
teether toys for babies

Teether books, mittens, toys, snacks & 4 other types of teethers for babies

Teething can be a tough phase for babies, as it is painful and makes them cranky. Teethers are the most convenient and easiest way to not only relieve the baby from pain and irritation but also to help in the multi-sensory development of babies. From toys and mittens to books, there are a plethora of …

Teether books, mittens, toys, snacks & 4 other types of teethers for babies Read More »

benefits of teethers

10 Benefits of Teethers that make them a must-have for babies

Babies literally love to put everything in their mouth – toys, rattles, blankets, clothes, keys, and of course, hands. This is a normal developmental milestone as they start teething. Munching on different objects encourages awareness, as they move their tongue to bite and chew. This activity lays the foundation for future development and learning. One …

10 Benefits of Teethers that make them a must-have for babies Read More »

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